- TAXESDux auxiliaris, in bello Colchico. Val. Flacc. l. 6. v. 252. Argonaut.
Hofmann J. Lexicon universale. 1698.
Hofmann J. Lexicon universale. 1698.
Taxes — First mentioned in the command (Ex. 30:11 16) that every Jew from twenty years and upward should pay an annual tax of half a shekel for an offering to the Lord. This enactment was faithfully observed for many generations (2 Chr. 24:6; Matt. 17 … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Taxes, S. — S. Taxes (7. März), vielleicht besser Artaxes oder Artaxius genannt, Martyrer zu Antiochia, ist sehr zweifelhaft. S. S. Leocus. (I. 639.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Taxes — An involuntary fee levied on corporations or individuals that is enforced by a level of government in order to finance government activities. In the investing world, this is one of the most important types of taxes and, therefore, one of the most … Investment dictionary
taxes — hors taxes … Dictionnaire des rimes
taxes — In ancient Israel the only taxes imposed on people mentioned in the Bible were for the maintenance of the tabernacle and its officiants (Deut. 18:1 ff.) but kings exacted much more in order to pay the army and the court (1 Kgs. 12:11). In… … Dictionary of the Bible
Taxes in Canada — may refer to: *Sales taxes in Canada *Income taxes in Canada … Wikipedia
Taxes Management Act 1970 — the statute that makes provision for the administrative and judicial machinery required for the effective collection of taxes. See, for example, Hitch and Others v . Stone (Inspector) [1999] TLR 276. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
Taxes assimilées — (franz.), in Frankreich die den direkten Steuern zugesellten Abgaben, wie die Steuer von der Toten Hand, die Bergbauabgabe, Pferde , Wagen und Fahrradsteuer etc … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Taxes de consommation — ● Taxes de consommation droits perçus lors de la vente des produits ou services … Encyclopédie Universelle
Taxes and Tolls — The financial independence of Brussels was laid in 1229 with creation of a city account divided into sections taxes, fines, royalties within which to collect revenues and from which to draw funds for expenses. The city achieved financial… … Historical Dictionary of Brussels